Blog: RKA in Glasgow

RKA Architects Glasgow
Moving out of London was such a joy in so many ways but from a business point of view it was a shock.
From an established business network in London with everything that goes with that to a smaller business environment in Fife where long established connections exist and the large consultancy group events are much less prevalent was a challenge.
Through hard work, investment in marketing, a strong CV and some lucky breaks we’ve been able to make connections and have been fortunate to be appointed on some fabulous projects.
However the drive to push the business forward and be involved with the urban city grain that we enjoy so much has been bubbling in the background over the last 2 years.
Chris Townsend’s decision to leave Orms, join RKA and move to Glasgow was the spark that ignited this idea, to create a second studio in the west of Scotland.
We set ourselves a target of opening an office in the first quarter 2022 so the search for office space was on….. it had to be centrally located, invoke a creative spirit and be affordable.
Generous contacts in the industry looked to see if we could share office space but Covid nervousness got in the way of that… we looked at some office space with long leases and required a lot of work to set up, out of our budget…. So a recommendation about Wasp Studios was very welcome.
Chris and I looked at two options in Glasgow, The Briggait – an old fish market converted into gallery and studio space around the courtyard. And South Block, close by towards Merchant City. South Block offered a space with excellent height, lots of natural light from a huge window and a good mix of amenities, meeting rooms and a table tennis table 🙂
We met our deadline.. just… in before the start of April. Furniture bought, built, few decorations, plants and we’re ready to go.
RKA Architects Glasgow
After the weirdness of Covid and everyone cooped up working in their bedrooms we’d almost forgotten the buzz of a busy office, the support and constant learning of sharing problems and solutions. It gives me a real buzz to see this in action, especially for the part 1’s and part 2’s in the office who’ve missed out on everything a creative studio offers.
So we have a city presence as well as a rural / town presence and looking forward to building Glasgow connections. Long live the office and long live the city !