Blog: 1.5 Years with RKA

Castle Street

The past 1.5years has seen a fantastic growth in projects and clients, both in scale and number. I picked up a number of residential projects Richard and the current team had established, all at various stages and some of which you might recognise from our RKA blog. For much of that time, we have all worked from home, waiting out COVID19 restrictions with interactions predominantly virtual and online. It was a very interesting hybrid work model that, despite the difficulties of distance, has seen a very a steady growth in our team and work culture.

During this period, the St Andrew’s office construction – another project you might recognise from our projects and previous blogs – was completed and opened in time for lessened restrictions, allowing for a return of sorts to the office  and in person interactions. By Summer of 2021, RKA’s team had doubled, including the introduction of an honorary little one, as well as picking up a number of awards and features along the way.

Award 1
Award 2

RKA is still a young architecture practice, but one that has quickly grown in spite of the many hardships and pitfalls the last few years have seen. This blog is just a small insight into how it has been to be on the inside of our growth, how we have evolved from small 3 person practice in Anstruther, Fife to a hybrid office with a few awards and publications  and multiple members working in our Glasgow, St Andrews and virtually with projects spread around the UK

RKA was founded by Richard just over 2 years ago just as COVID19 was due to hit, arguably some very unfortunate timing. With his relocation from London, Richard split his time between his position in the London practice and his new St Andrews practice. As RKA gathered speed and picked up new clients, the practice has grown from initially just Richard to 3 full time members at the time I joined the practice.

the edition 1

This team and project growth called for some experienced support in the form of Chris, our Associate, who very quickly and very seamlessly joined the ranks, lending a very helpful level of skill and support as a large number of our current residential projects moved on site and we won some larger office and commercial projects.

It’s been a rewarding experience to be an integral part of RKAs growth, privy to many parts of a practice that are typically reserved for senior members, garnering insights into aspects and workings of a practice which bring new experience and learning opportunities to everyone regardless of hierarchy. Richard has been very clear from the outset about the transparency of all the inner workings of the practice and if there are any queries, uncertainties or knowledge to be learnt, we just have to ask.

We are allowed to share in responsibilities that shape the practice, leaving our mark/ stamp on this era of RKAs development. The practice’s ethos has moved in a positive direction that emphasises the value of everyone’s opinions, experiences and insights. Weekly meeting and design reviews not only keep everyone, from newly hired Part 1s to seasoned architects, abreast of where we are as a practice but allows everyone to contribute to all projects at a variety of project stages, sharing knowledge and experience across the board. By pooling our resources and experience in this way, every project strengthened and every person made to feel like they have contributed in a positive and valuable way.

Electric Press

With the positive trajectory of the practice, bringing RKA to Glasgow was a practical and logical step, providing us access to a larger project and skill market, bringing us in contact with new clients, new resources and new potential team members. It heralds another exciting era in the practice’s growth, one that we look forward to.
